The taint of megalomania rises from the economic absurdity of the variable theories uttered by the coalition's present and future leader of a doomed country, the pernicious Prime Minister the Hon John "NWO ID Card" HogWartChoices MP "You bloody smart arse" national education plea, marketing the first child molesting 100th year of Satanist paedophiles in Government celebration, Latham Valley, Sydney 29 April 1948 Much has been said and written about how I have the courage of my hypocrisies. That is why I say that you will live in fear, because my regime promotes the rise of the "enterprise worker". Governments cannot legislate to enforce themselves winning again, but some things help. My regime has always offered you choice in which "official story" to believe. You must never forget that it is not for you to know "state secrets". I won't speculate about how the "terrorists" will create a "national emergency" so that I will stick like excrement to a blanket, and always slither back into office. Who do you really trust to gutlessly vilify the disabled? And ask yourselves whether you can trust my opponents to properly punish the poor? I am alarmed, indeed, when I see what damage I've done to decent people. Totally unaffordable housing is my terrible, shameful legacy. Can I humbly say, that in a conspiracy by bigots and blockheads, the National Government's awful and extremely catastrophic economic vision failure, should be seen as no simple accident. Obviously it is not by good luck that my Government will be planning to criminally misuse ten billion dollars of Oz taxpayer money to carefully divert Australia's water system for my mates, and it is not only random chance that I suddenly found several billion dollars to go towards something that I forgot about, and that I probably crowed about in the middle of one of my self-congratulating drones. To ever claim that Australia has no debt, as I constantly do, is nothing more than downright nonsense or a flight of deceptive and extreme fantasy. In fact, Australia's huge foreign debt is still growing. I suppose you can notice that when the nation's soldiers need weapons to misuse in my putrid middle-east carnage I assert that Australia can afford it. You may be thoroughly repelled by a huge dose of my contemptuous disrespect for others, and be sickened by your barren opportunities along with horrible involvement in laughable and grotesque social diversions. I always want others to volunteer their labour, when I never volunteer my own worthless labour. In a desperate attempt to save my soul and to bring this to an end, I ask you to please accept my admission of guilt. My damaging admission should be noted. That having been said, now let me drone some florid oratory. Here is some more highly crafty deception, and monumentally cynical disregard. I must remind you how we are participating in a foot-race towards an ever receding finishing line, and how we will never reach perfection, and I hope I did not forget to tell you about how we are going to make it easier to impose workplace agreements. Increasing numbers of people are of the opinion that I am that type of practiced liar, addicted to droning some monumentally condescending hypocrisies, that somehow has bypassed the development of any honesty as I try to remember the last lie I told while pretending to be developing a political argument. And my extremely far-fetched ideas of economic absurdity make it obvious that I find it easy to espouse a position I'm not prepared to take any responsibility for. Stockholders, and shareholders, please suspend disbelief. This most fair and decent regime has shown that we won't just automatically click our heels and follow the Americans. People, it has been drawn to my attention, that bludging disabled pensioners are fond of suggesting that I run a filthy kleptocracy. Well, I don't want to give a running commentary on that, and I don't need to. Let's get onto other things. Through the mercy of Jesus, I have done a terrific job. My dear corporate assets who live upon this Great Southern Bombing Range, we all know that I find it to be a great thrill to briefly mention our achievements, and to keep you safe from invisible threats. My team is enormously proud to see what we have changed. By remorselessly applying NWO globalist reforms, we have delivered the most catastrophic social mess in the history of this country. Is there more? Yes there is. My team has without any doubt, created a return to the proper way to share the national wealth, even though we had to climb over huge obstacles erected by whingers. You have wonderfully trusted my secret plan. I salute the Latham Valley aspirationals who made this possible. There has been heartening support for my Government's wonderful ten billion dollar plan to fix the serious challenge of choosing which of our friends should receive this exciting amount of ten billion dollars of public money. So by taking the correct approach to this historical challenge, my Government has delivered a twisted and devious scheme that will keep the important people happy. This bold, visionary scam would be rejected, of course, unless I can get the mugs to carry the financial burdens of adjustment, and I earnestly hope that I can have the full cooperation of my sleazy corporate colleagues. This year I convened a special meeting about not upsetting the balance in public life and public policy, which has been balanced, and a balanced hallmark of the achievement of the balanced Howard Government, and to consider the most balanced and profitable ideas about how to balance the balanced needs of the poor against balanced military adventures in a balanced way, so that balance is not replaced by an unbalance toward justice. For once and for all, let me say at the end of the day, about your question, will the number of pages in the Tax Act be reduced by the introduction of a GST?...Yes it will! My fellow australians, it has been noticed that contemptible rent-paying tenants often level the charge that my reforms will create dystopian slums, but truth is never disposable in national political life, so I repudiate even the slightest suggestion that our government is no better than "the rotten leading the forgotten". And no, I haven't seen what is really meant by that. Here is a savage rebuke to all of those laughable whingers. You may disagree with the poor getting very much poorer, but the corporations are backing me, and you voted for me! You may have already noticed that the gormless and stupid set of mechanisms whereby the workforce produced wealth, has now been entirely extirpated as an example of compassionate conservatism. The new corporate economy-tailored human being hails the strong new world order that grew out of the ashes of the old order. We can now proudly march to endless noble wars with our strong brothers! In that awful period leading up to when our gang of corporate suckholes got promoted to power, this wonderful nation was comatose and the vast majority of us were under the control of the pretty little media talking air-heads. Also, recycled sewage from an anus of pandemic horror had turned workers into solid members of the middle class, businesses were struggling, bad people were everywhere, and workers failed to return a large dividend or profit to shareholders. But my team of criminally insane friends murdered all that, and by stealth, and with clear goals, hard work and a sense of purpose, this country has been turned around. Shareholders need not work even one single minute. The bludging disabled have been driven back to the workbench. But, the outcome is that the plans of the noble patrician classes, always nervous about the impoverished masses, are being attended to. Now we must join our hands in prayer, and thank The Lord for giving us a country where nobody is allowed to mind his own business, letting us have institutions that empower and protect us in every crime we commit, and the vulgar, sickening, and untrue, Great Australian Dream. However, there are new threats. Does that burger you have just consumed have a 100% BSE quotient? Public schools have not been stopped from prowling the streets at night. I promise you that the creeping horror caused by the prospect of New Zealand developing WMD in this exciting "shared adventure" in reform, has the potential to ruin investor profits. Any stern action must be applied that will protect Israel's interests, wherever they are, and to prevent, unless I don't, the intrusion of a draconian kind and level into daily life by a National ID Card. Beyond these awesome responsibilities, let us pray to dark forces for that which is most profitable in a highly competitive rat-race that is a filthy misanthropic disgrace. You should know that you will not be allowed to discuss that there are too many people in this land. My gangster regime will do the things that need to be done to impose change. We will soon face the challenge of a frontal assault on Australia's profitable urban water problem. The creative "Don't Frown - Drink Brown" sewage-enriched water promotion, has proved that I was right about public idiocy, and that our regime can build projects of major financial importance that the public pay for. Major floods of public money will be streamed to the coffers of grateful merchant bankers. Success in "water management" means more bodies in urban areas, and that means higher residential rents, and lower wages. You must never, ever underestimate my enormous weakness for the urge to smear my dirt over the things that others find of value. With a bit of good luck, australians can look forward to a new era of hard labour in a police state. I've always believed that good economic management is about giving landlords the incentive to end their fears of losing out on some unearned income. It's about giving hard-working plutocrats a free blood-sucking frenzy. Since "a job" could be one hour a week, we can see how more than 1.3 million bludgers have been removed from the statistics since our gang of corporate suckholes were put in charge. The homeless want you to believe that this is not genuine prosperity. Tell that to the hard working inheritors of property. Look at a few things I have delivered to the nation. The most depressing regime ever imposed upon Australia. An exciting "shared new adventure in tax reform" - a Goods and Services Tax. Wages and conditions that fit in with an asian future. The increase in the collection of rent from every living thing. Freeing the wealthy of any culpability. Goading everyone to climb the greasy pole of opportunity. Goading everyone to run my legalistic maze. Making the poor ashamed and remorseful. Preserving the reputation of Australia, as a land full of morons. Preserving the reputation of Australia, as a nuclear waste dump. Proof of the correctness of my market ideologies can be seen everywhere. The elderly homeless now understand their obligations to those who live in well-deserved inherited opulence, Australia will soon join the international brotherhood of third-world nations, and this is evidence of good old "rugged individualism" trying to survive under my harsh social darwinism. These are the Latham Valley battlers, who bravely attempt to climb the broken ladder of opportunity. It is clear by now, vindications of my reform policies abound. Moving many more malingering welfare bludgers from poverty to privatized chain-gangs, will continue to be a challenge for no-nonsense government in coming years. Free-market forces firmly insist that the genetically inferior thriving in our fair nation, boost the fortunes of international carpetbaggers. In wiser times it would be normal for me to be the main attraction at a hang-tie party, but now I can speak utter drivel. The Liberal Party - the party of the worship of Mammon, has a mandate to respond to these trends with initiatives to assist australians to work from a condition of homelessness. We are going to apply our mandate to make myself the chief architect of poverty-based businesses, in another disgraceful term of applied corruption. It needed years of constant moulding and prodding by hyperactive politicians to make Australia join the international brotherhood of third-world nations. Australian work life will now increasingly come under penal sanctions, and by data-matching with our bold NWO biometric ID card we will move into other personal parts of people's daily lives. The burden of privatized medicine will be carried by the users of those services, as the agents of those services correct those personal feelings of unease that afflict the lower classes. Our proud new globalist economics insists that a suitable regime of punishment is developed for contemptible rent-paying tenants. This is necessary, because the community should feel they can rely upon Australia to join the international brotherhood of third-world nations. The Government has highlighted the need to sustain corporate prosperity as our society ages. It seems that the bludging elderly have cruelly sneaked-up on us, and this challenges us to find an efficient outcome. Surely you realize, that by your very act of stupidly putting my party back into office, you have exposed yourselves to great danger. So I am constantly amazed when I look at the stubborn conservative streak in those who think they are above engaging in blood sport, and fail to support my enthusiasm for demonizing and tormenting the disabled, but I will ignore that for the moment, as I have more to say on happier things. Of course, I don't want to go into the detail of that suggestion. I will acknowledge all of those who made my regime possible. Other national governments. Importers. Zionists. Media whores. Bankers. Real-estate agents. Landlords. Financiers. Crooked developers. Kim Beazley. We must briefly return to some highly pressing issues concerning the national ID card that I had once pledged to resist at all costs, and workplace reform. Our people are a great people, but my team of criminally insane friends is always eager to pick up the job of doing what needs to be done to the national character, and australian society. I suggest that governments need to design a "to do" list of programmes to reinforce our submission to the international economy, and I will never, ever apologize for that. Not all agree, but, at the end of the day, you will carry the burden of the frightening drivel that I and my party have been spewing for years. In earlier times it would be normal for me to be impaled on a stake, but, under the grossness and brutality of the current regime, horribly, I can lie and cheat with complete impunity. .oOo.