John Howard Keeps Going and Going in this stark transcript of the Prime Minister the Hon John Howard MP; Address To The Zionist World Governance Convention held at The Alexander Downer Adelaide Aristocracy College of Proctology Studies. [7] Workplace Relations Reform: Get Out Of Your Coffins And Get Back To Work! Materialistic and sordid revelations in a filthy archive made available to the public by The Mark Latham Memorial Institute of Mealy-Mouthed Platitudes. Before I became infected with a gutless disregard for the suffering of others, working-class scum put a malediction upon the Devil's Labor Party plan for a magical pudding tax. A tricky tax that was meant to be a burden upon loyal, working sheep, conditioned to obey, consume and produce without much risk of them having a clue how they were ripped off. It seemed like ages, but it was fifteen years before a day came when a plucky little statesman joined forces with the control addicts, and encouraged by a gutless disregard for the suffering of others, secured this economic travesty and fraud to enrich the psychopaths of the NWO. I was that imperious being, who in a fit of megalomania, forced this arbitrary tax upon a nation of gluttonous stupor, and now we see the damned creatures are mostly degenerating into sad examples of the defeated life of the individual human spirit. My scungy government of misfits requires that we apply a well deserved penalty for pointy-headed tree-hugging intellectuals. I will firmly assert that the shareholders require ample cheap labour from the more unfortunate. We face the challenge of sustaining corporate prosperity as our society ages. So, without any warning, a massive pool of useless old creeps burdens us, and if this trend continues, we will have to find a clinical solution to rid us of this problem. My government has worked tirelessly to remove from Australians the right to expect accountability, fairness or the protection of The Law. Getting old will not be tolerated under my enlightened welfare reforms, and I remind the aged that any dissent at all just makes me more determined to hand Australia over to a NWO regional government, as we implement those values close to mainstream sociopaths. And that is very important, unless it isn't. Just get back to trying to climb the greasy pole of futility. I am considered by those who have succumbed to weak leftist tendencies as nothing better than a despicable little vermin always working against national interests. At the end of the day, I reckon that I tricked them all with my drivel about the "free market" and reform. .oOo.