NO WAY TO PAY AUSTRALIAN FOREIGN DEBT The latest (December 2006) official figures put Australia's net foreign debt for the first time at more than half a trillion dollars ($522 billion). Record sums are also going offshore to service loans and pay dividends to foreign investors. This debt has grown to more than half the size of the Australian economy. So, be warned that Australia is heading for a debt driven recession. Back in the mid-seventies, the amount of money Australia owed was only about equivalent to 3 per cent of GDP. Now in the latest set of figures it's exceeded 50 per cent of GDP. What that means is that we have a huge interest payment-servicing burden on top of our exports. So a large part of what we export is simply going to pay back the money we've already borrowed from overseas. If you think that does not matter, I suggest you do some research into this subject. You may get an unpleasant shock! .oOo.