__SPEW#005 I am alarmed, indeed, when I see what damage I've done to decent people, and so I assure you that sometimes one needs to accept my admission of culpability. There is no possible excuse, I'm sorry. That having been said, now let me offer you some cunningly contrived crap. You may also enjoy some more diffuse verbosity, and infantile simplicity. I must remind you about how we haven't deceived the Australian people, and a nation that is very attractive to business investment. My opponents are of the opinion that I am the sort of dull inert force, accustomed to drawling garbled information, that somehow has forgotten any serious honesty on my way to arriving at an honest political viewpoint. And my extremely far-fetched ideas of economic absurdity reveal how easy it has become to have an opinion I'm not prepared to take any responsibility for. Ladies and gentlemen and my fellow australians, we have gone to war against Eastasia, and I have some more good news! This period of responsible Howard-government has proved that there's no way that a GST will ever be part of our policy. Consumers, human resources, and others, you may have noticed, that weaklings are fond of suggesting that my team is hopelessly awash in corruption. When all is said and done, I don't want to go into every little detail of my secret plans. But here is what really matters. By going into partnership with the international wealthy, we have established that truth is absolute, truth is supreme, truth is never disposable in national political life. People who live upon this wonderful corporatized nation, it has always been a great thrill to tell you about my compassion, and to protect you from the welfare state. Through the mercy of Jesus, I am totally puffed-up with infantile vainglory, and proud about the reformed state of the nation. No government in history compares with how my regime has delivered the greatest amount of personal debt ever. Haven't we had enough? No, there is much more to come. The best sociopathic government that international banks could buy, has created the most catastrophic social mess in the history of this country, despite remorseless opposition from pointy-headed, tree-hugging intellectuals. We have kept our secret promises. Thank you for trusting me. There has been a strong and very positive reaction to my responsible regime's ten billion dollar plan to not flinch from the great challenge of buying votes with the large sum of ten billion dollars of public money. So by tackling this historical challenge, my hard-working team has put on the table a long-range, well-funded plan that will need a mind-bending media campaign to make the public swallow it. It will not work, of course, unless there are new draconian "governance arrangements", and I appeal for the full cooperation of an easy to manipulate robopathic public. This year I convened a special meeting about the wonderful balance we now see in public life and public policy, which has been balanced, and a balanced hallmark of the australian achievement, and to discuss issues of deeply balanced financial interest about how to find a way to balance the balanced needs of the sick against corporate profits in a balanced way, so that the balance still appears to remain balanced to the clueless. For once and for all, let me say honestly, I stand by the fact that before we entered the war, we had a very strong intelligence assessment that Iraq had a WMD capability. Ladies and gentlemen, people have noticed that pointy-headed tree-hugging intellectuals often say that my reforms encourage unthinking self-destruction, but truth is absolute, truth is supreme, so I treat with utter contempt, even the slightest suggestion that my team is really just "the best turd in the herd". Look, I'm not going to speculate on whether or not that is true. I have a message for those pathetic rent-paying tenants. It may seem sickening and fascistic, and you may be revolted by the very rich getting richer, but the media whores are backing me, and there is nothing you can do about it! You may have already noticed that the loser-tolerant set of mechanisms whereby this country cared for the infirm, has now, in accord with market principles been shredded by Saddam's human-shredding machine as an act of compassionate mercy. A brave new world has at last been achieved. We are united in marching to war with our strong brothers! During the socialistic horror that raged across our fair nation until our gang of sleazy racketeers got reconstituted by the carpetbaggers, the public was in a coma and even the best of us were ripe for a takeover by the latte-sipping elites. As well as that, the hound of Hell was still blood-sucking the public, banks could not make a suitable profit, employment rates were either high or low, and immoral young women were refusing to produce babies for the war effort. But my team of criminally insane friends murdered all that, and we have seen, how by persistence, and with clear goals, hard work and a sense of purpose, the nation was saved for a horde of economic locusts. Unemployment and inflation are both high and low. This Government has kept Australia riding as steady as the unsinkable Titanic. But, we are happy if the result is that the plans of the glorious dominant order, ever anxious about the masses, are being attended to. Let us give thanks to Jesus for giving us a wonderful continent to despoil and poison, making us unable to care for any other living creatures, and for letting us get away with blue, bloody, mass murder. Still, we cannot rest. Be alert but not too alert. Public schools have not yet been skinned alive and left for dead. Australians all should realize that the darkness spawned by the prospect of New Zealand developing WMD in the twenty-first century, will not lift any time soon. Our military will be built up to maintain high land prices, and to oppose the National ID Card legislation at every turn, with its imputation that every australian is a cheat. Taking all of that into account, I call for us to embrace the need for consumers to stay dull in a dried-up overpopulated third-world shithole. We all know that you will not be allowed to discuss that we are overpopulating this country. My fine collection of sociopaths is ready to make the public face whatever comes. We will soon face the challenge of a frontal assault on Australia's profitable urban water problem. The creative "Don't Frown - Drink Brown" sewage-enriched water promotion, shows that with total media spin and by avoiding inconvenient facts, our regime can build projects of major financial importance that the public pay for. Major lakes of public money will be poured into the pockets of grateful "investors". By the techniques of "water management", we can fit more bodies in urban areas, and that means higher commercial rents, and lower wages. You must never, ever underestimate my enormous addiction to frenzies of arse sucking for those who seem wealthy or powerful. With sufficient extreme reform, the human resources will return a good profit to the absentee landlords. I've always believed that good economic management is about giving ordinary corporations the freedom and opportunity to end their fears of losing out on some unearned income. It's about giving hard-working plutocrats peace of mind and confidence to plan for a sumptuous parasitic future. Since "a job" could be one hour a week, we can see how more than 1.3 million bludgers have been removed from the statistics after I was mistakenly put into office. My critics want you to believe that this is not genuine prosperity. Tell that to the hard working inheritors of property. Look at a few things I have delivered to the nation. A bold new initiative, an exciting plan for a national ID card. Numerous cowardly acts of brutality and cynicism. Increased profits for the corporations that want cheaper labour. The increase in the collection of rent from every living thing. Freeing the wealthy of any responsibility. Goading everyone to climb the broken ladder of opportunity. Goading everyone to run my legalistic maze. Making the poor ashamed and remorseful. Preserving the reputation of Australia, as a bombing range. Preserving the reputation of Australia, as a pushover. There are many encouraging signs to be seen. Aspiring would-be tenants can bid against other tenants in a rent auction in a landlord's market, Australia will soon join the international brotherhood of third-world nations, and all of us can see that this is proof of the benefits of my new culture of radical reform. These are people with drive, who are keen to work under dangerous work conditions. My critics are now silent, because, vindications of my reform policies abound. Moving many more malingering welfare bludgers from poverty to privatized penal servitude, will continue to be a challenge for those involved in the massive reform process in coming years. Free-market forces firmly insist that the pathetic losers thriving in our corporatized economy, feed a plague of economic locusts. In wiser times it would be normal for me to be impaled on a stake, but no-one stops me now, and I can spew out the most gormless nonsense, and still be believed. The Liberal Party - the party of liberty and the american way, will not shrink from its duty to enforce initiatives to assist australians to work from a condition of homelessness. We will be taking orders from corporations on how to build a plague of economic locusts, as we vomit out another bucket of hypocrisy and cant. It has taken many years of economic and social reform to transform Australia into something unrecognizable. Australian work life will now increasingly come under penal sanctions, and we will see our authority spread ever deeper into other personal parts of people's daily lives. Rising health care costs will continue to pose a challenge for the users of those services, as the agents of those services apply chemical moderation to any unruly urges to organize against the NWO. Our proud new globalist economics insists that we enforce a spirit of "mutual obligation" onto those bludgers who are doing it tough. I will firmly assert that we need ample cheap labour from the more unfortunate. I have highlighted the challenge of sustaining corporate prosperity as our society ages. It seems that we are saddled with a load of useless old cripples, and if this trend continues, we will have to find a way to rid society of this scourge. It should be clear by now, that by the very act of re-electing my party once again into office, you have all exposed yourselves to great danger. It always bothers me to see the stubborn conservative streak in those left-wing weaklings who flinch at my Iraq holy war for oil adventure, but we are almost daily fending-off such unwarranted criticism. Look, I think it's still too early to make a final judgement about every little detail of my secret plans. I am eternally grateful to so many of these people and organizations. Kim Beazley. Other national governments. Importers. Zionists. Media whores. Bankers. Real-estate agents. Landlords. Financiers. Crooked developers. We must not forget these extremely pressing issues concerning globalization, and international trade reform. I promise that I will take the utmost care to preserve this nation, but my fine collection of sociopaths is prepared for the conservative's duty of taking on the burden of constantly reforming the way people work, and the nation. I suggest that governments need to make a laundry list of programmes to fix all manner of social ills, and I will never, ever apologize for that. Many will argue against this, and even though there is great alarm among the elites, one can never over emphasize our need for you to swallow the total fraud of our social and economic folderol. In earlier times it would be normal for me to be crucified upside-down, but, under the Howard regime I do believe that I really got away with it. .oOo.